Medical Review Club is an organization of physicians that was begun in 1928 with the purpose of keeping its members abreast of the latest scientific advances in all areas of medical practice. The founding members perceived even then the need for voluntary continuing education fifty years before legislative mandates required such endeavors. Since its inception, there have been 144 members. Currently, the membership allows for 40 active members of multiple disciplines.

The genesis of this organization is without doubt attributable to the efforts of Drs. Ivor Clark, E. Harlan Wilson and Jonathan Forman. In 1928 these forward-thinking physicians perceived the need for voluntary continuing education. The avowed purpose for such a club was to keep abreast of the scientific information burgeoning in all areas of medical endeavor, circumstances even more critical in today's medical arena. The unique format was probably patterned after sophisticated library review clubs of Boston and a few operating clubs of similar nature in the United States. Some ten or twelve colleagues, representing various disciplines, were carefully selected. They first met in the tap room of the Chittenden Hotel, which stood at the corner of High and Spring Streets.
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